Quality Policy
We see perfection in our results - a balance between the unreal and real. The impossible and possible.

The pyramid with its solid base raises upward to taper off at the peak. This is experience. An inverted pyramid (imagination) meets the regular pyramid with minimum surface area for contact. Yet, it seems to balance well with its apex pointed downward. This is the Aadhar Stumbh's existence, consistent growth and success achieved through commitment to Excellence, Quality, Time, Costs and Perfection.

  • Quality begins at the top management level and only that brings about the change.
  • We endeavor to develop Quality Culture at all levels of work. We insist on our Quality Control Personnel to educate every Engineer, Supervisor Contractor, Worker, etc., as to why curing is so important why level is so important and so on.With this we find the people at all levels are able to appreciate the correct procedures and become more involved without any pressure on them to do so.
  • We believe in giving our best to every job in the very first attempt and earning the appreciation of our clients thee by avoiding wasteful expenses in doing repairs etc.
  • Q.C. Laboratory is estalished at each Project Site with the required equipment
  • The head of the Quality Control division reports directly to th director in-charge but not to the Construction Manager.
  • We treat our suppliers as our partners and select them carefully make sure that they supply quality materials and payments are made promptly.
  • We have a system of technically reviewing quality slippages / mistakes and finding a solution so that in future the mistakes are not repeated.
  • We care for the construction workers by providing them adequate tools, equipments shelter, clean drinking water, toilet facilities, medical treatment etc. we pay them promptly and set high standards of working and are also ready to pay premium for quality work.
  • We submit the quality assurance programme to the Client / Consultant for approval and we strictly adhere to it.
  • We send some fo the est samples at randam to the near by recognised laboratory for third party verification.